For a particular nation to be open
to the Gospel, there has to be unity among the existing churches, whether house churches or underground ones. The churches
will eventually form the ground troops that will move in to take the nation after many air raids through the intercession
of Christian in other nations who are burdened to see such a nation becoming open to the gospel. Jesus said that before a
man spoils the house of a strongman he must first blind him. The binding of the Strongman in any nation will take the effectiveness
of the ground troop (existing churches) being well trained in strategic level spiritual warfare and prophetic intercession;
another major factor will be the unity of churches in that nation. This was the burden that led to the birth of the intercessor
for UAE. The formation of intercessors for UAE has done a great deal to help the churches in UAE. It has bridged the gap that
existed among many living churches making them to see that they all have only one mission which is to make disciples of all
men (Mathew 28:19-20) They have also come to the realization that there is serious need for them to come together as one body,
to stand before the God of heaven in intercession and serious spiritual warfare to deal with the Prince of UAE.
The intercessors for UAE has also
made the churches to see themselves not as enemies or rivals but as different members of the same body fulfilling their different
functions, not independent of each other. The Co-coordinator, Mishael Akpan non-denominational affiliation has greatly enhanced
the success so far. He takes churches on such topics as Redeeming the land, Spiritual Warfare, Prophetic praying and organizes
Prayer Schools. He also organizes leadership Training for Pastors/Workers and all night prayers are also held to enhance the
prayer life of the believers/churches.
Though this work of intercession
has met with serious opposition from Pastors who are afraid of their members being stolen to start another church, as has
been the experience of many. One can say that several other Pastors have supported the Vision earnestly as they themselves
have been longing to attempt to organize similar programs. These Pastors has always met with failure due to their denominational
affiliations. It is this body of Pastors and Believers that have greatly supported the ministry of Mishael Akpan who came
solely on his own due to the burden that he has to reach the nations in the 10/40 window. This mobilization of Churches has
brought about several levels of blessings to both the believers and willing Churches in the United Arab Emirates. Many prayer
cells are being established and soon will begin a 24-hour Chain Prayer Network.
Plans are on the way to assist Mishael Carson
to establish Intercessors Ministry in other Gulf States as some believers either on business or visit from other Gulf Sates
are eager to have the experience of the UAE churches. We are appealing to International organizations /Churches to this great
move of God in the Arabian Peninsular, spiritually, financially and otherwise.