Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 22:09:11 -0400 From:
Subject: Pray Against Holy Days
Dear Bishop Mishael Carson
Our ministry is contacting you
to appeal for pray for our lost Parsee people. Please can you ask your church to pray for them? My people are Zoroastrians
who worship fire and idols. Very few will even have the opportunity to meet a born again Christian in their lifetime.
In July and August they invoke the spirits of dead relatives; observing their pagan holy days, some pagan rituals
even involve children.
We would so much appreciate the help of you and your church in praying for unsaved Parsee
souls to come into the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Please can you encourage your members to use this calendar as
a prayer guide for our people? Please ask God to stir Christian leaders to rally support for our Parsee Gospel ministry,
and promote the use of our prayer calendar in churches and Christian youth groups.
Please pray for the salvation
and healing of my father and of Hosh, both unsaved. Doctors predict that Hosh will live no more than 10 hours. Thank
you for your consideration of this request.
For each temple in the calendar below, please pray that Yeshua send
long-term teams of godly intercessors for "on site" intercession and Christian service there, bringing salvation and
deliverance. For each priest, please pray for his household's salvation. Each priest is the head of a family of several
Day 1 - Ask the Lord Yeshua/Jesus to reveal anything in our hearts that may hinder our prayers and
His purposes during this fast. Pray that our personal agendas would be laid down and that we would hear His voice only.
Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian "World Supreme Temple," "Iranshah," at Udwada; Priests: Dr. Hormuzdiyar Kaiyoji Mirza, Kekobad
Day 2 - Ask the Lord Yeshua/Jesus to give leaders, Christians, and Ministries around the world His passion
for the Parsee People, and to take up praying and fasting to intercede for Yeshua's purposes for the Parsee People,
their lives, and their children's lives. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temples in Yezd (Iran); Priests: Gostad Belivani,
Hormazdiar Farkhondeh
Day 3 - Pray to have the Holy Spirit select intercessors from around the world to become
aware and burdened with deep intercession and fasting for the salvation of the Parsee People. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian
High Temples in Navsari (India); Priest: Meherjee Meherjeerana.
Day 4 - Ask the Holy Spirit to awaken the forerunners,
the warriors, the watchmen, and all those who are willing to fight for God's purposes to set the captive Parsees free.
Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temples in Surat (India); Priest: Pantheky.
Day 5 - Agree to pray and stand in
the gap for past generational sins of the Parsee People. Ask the Lord Yeshua for forgiveness on behalf of all Parsee
who have sinned against Him, and pray for the Parsee children that the curses of past generations would not be visited
upon them. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple at "Dadyseth," in Bombay; Priest: Charna.
Day 6 - Pray that
Yeshua would remove the reproach held against the Parsee People by the "Accuser of the brethren," and that they would
be redeemed into God's purposes. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Wadia," in Bombay, and its priests. Pray
for salvation and discipleship of the leaders of the Bombay Parsee Panchayat (high council).
Day 7 - Pray
for the stronghold of fire worship to be broken, and repent on behalf of all Parsee who have replaced Yeshua with the
idol of fire. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Banajee," in Bombay, and its priests. Pray for salvation of
members of the Bombay Parsee Women's Council.
Day 8 - Pray for the idols of fire in the temples and the homes
of the Parsee to be extinguished by the power of God and to be replaced by the fire of God in the hearts of the Parsee
People. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Anjumanna," in Bombay; Priest: Kaikhushroo Jamaspa.
Day 9
- Pray that the deception of worshipping angels be broken and these demonic strongholds be torn down. Pray that the Lord
Yeshua would be exalted in the hearts of the Parsee to His rightful place, above all angelic and demonic beings. Pray
for the Parsees to be delivered from occult practices. "Temple": Parsee Zoroastrian seminary "Athornan" in Bombay;
"Priest": Head Professor Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia. Pray especially for the hearts of trainee-priests to turn to Yeshua, away
from all pagan worship. Some of the trainees are youth. Pray also for household salvation for the seminary and temple
students, faculty, trustees, patrons, and supporters.
Day 10 - Pray that the homage to deceased relatives would
cease and that the Parsee would be set free from the bondages of death and mourning. Pray that all would see Yeshua
as the giver of life and the conqueror of death, judge and ruler of souls on Earth, in Heaven, and even those in Hell.
"Temple": Parsee Zoroastrian seminary "Cama" in Bombay; "Priest": Head Professor Kersi Karanjia. Pray especially for the
hearts of trainee-priests to turn to Yeshua, away from all pagan worship. Some of the trainees are youth. Pray also
for household salvation for the seminary and temple students, faculty, trustees, patrons, and supporters.
11 - Pray that the Parsee would see that the garments of righteousness used in their rituals are an imitation of the real
righteousness of Christ which is imputed upon His people, and also that the truth is that only through the sacrifice
of Yeshua and the cleansing of our souls through His blood is there true righteousness. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian
High Temple "Behrana" in Karachi; Priest: Mr. Godrej Sidhwa. Pray that Yeshua shine as Light in the hearts of the students,
faculty, administration and Directors of the B.V.S. and Mama Parsee schools.
Day 12 - Pray that the Parsee
would know the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. That they would come into an intimate knowing of God and that
the vagueness of the "All Wise Creator" would be replaced by the love of a God who knows them intimately. Temple: Parsee
Zoroastrian High Temple "Burns Road" in Karachi. Pray that Yeshua shine as Light in the hearts of the students, faculty,
administration and Directors of the B.V.S. and Mama Parsee schools.
Day 13 - Pray that the humility of Yeshua
would be a revelation to the Parsee People and that they would hunger after Him and His ways. Pray that the Holy Spirit
would come and impart a spirit of godly humility to the Parsee, and sever their pride in their ancestral heritage and
good works. Pray that Yeshua's Light shine in the hearts of the members of the Parsee Council of Priests of North
America, bringing them healing and salvation. Pray for their household salvation. Pray also for the healing and household
salvation of Parsee leaders Dr. Kersho Khambatta, Mrs. Dinoo Mistry, and Mrs. Perin Dinshaw.
Day 14 - Pray for
a revelation of sin in the Parsee People. Pray for a revelation of the horrid nature of sin and a revelation of the horrible
consequences of sin suffered by those who live and die in its clutches. Pray that Yeshua's Light shine in the hearts
of the members of the Council of Iranian Zoroastrian priests of North America. Pray also for household salvation and
redemption of Parsee leader, Mr. Byram Avari.
Day 15 - Pray that the Parsee youth will dream dreams, have visions,
and have a personal experience of Yeshua. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple in Yezd (Iran). Pray especially for
household salvation of Parsee industrialists Cowasjee, Marker, Minwalla, and Eduljee Dinshaw.
Day 16 - Pray that
strong mature Parsee men and women of God would come forth to mentor the new and untaught converts. That they would raise
up a standard of Godliness that will encourage, direct, and cover others to bring them to the level of maturity they
are destined to reach. That the five-fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers) of the church
would be brought into order in unity and in truth. That these servants of Yeshua would be used to build the Parsee church.
Temple: those of North America, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand; Priest: Mr. Porus Havevala.
Day 17 - Pray
that Yeshua would call forth born again Parsee workers with tender hearts to come and to be trained, to serve, and actively
reach out to the Parsee People. Pray for them to be brought from all denominations so that unity in Yeshua may be
birthed into the Parsee People, and that all unsaved Parsee may be reached. This will bring a fuller representation
of Yeshua and will help bring about the unity in the Church that He desires. Temple: those of Singapore, China, Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, and the former Soviet Union, and their priests. Pray for household salvation of educators Dinoo Mistry, Zarin
Mahvalvala, Nargis, Parviz Daroga, and for the faculty of BVS and Mama Parsee schools.
Day 18 - Pray that
Parsee believers of Jesus would have the same passion of Yeshua for their own people and would, like Yeshua, be willing
to lay down their lives, literally and figuratively for each other. Pray that Yeshua's Light shine in the hearts and
minds of visitors and patrons of the Parsee Zoroastrian library, "Cama Institute," bringing them salvation and deliverance.
Pray especially for household salvation of the Parsee teenagers and youth. Pray God stir born-again "Youth Leaders"
for long-term outreaches to Parsee youth in South Asia.
Day 19 - Pray that parents of born again Parsee children would
eagerly desire to turn them over to Yeshua and His purposes. That they would not draw back in fear of the enemy's
threats and attacks. Pray that Yeshua's Truth be revealed and taught at Parsee schools and colleges, especially in
Bombay, Iran, and Pakistan. Pray for household salvations for prominent educators: Mistry, Soparivala, Sethna, and Contractor.
Day 20 - Pray for Yeshua to send the Holy Spirit with power, signs, wonders, healings, and anointings to give
glory to Himself and credibility to the Parsee Christian Church. Pray that there would be a revelation of the spiritual
realm, both of Yeshua and of the adversary that has deceived them. Temples: those of Iran and Afghanistan, and their
priests. Pray especially for household salvation for Parsee medical doctors Dr. Kersho Khambatta, Dr. Dastoor, Dr. Mody,
Dr. Tamboli, Dr. Malbari, Dr. Sethna, Dr. Behrana.
Day 21 - Pray that Yeshua would reconstruct the Parsee culture
in His way as to bring glory to Himself, and bring the Parsee culture to the original plan He had for it. That the
old would fall away, be forgotten, and be replaced by the new. That the Parsee would remain unique as Yeshua intended
them to be, with their own language, culture, their own hymns, and their own schools, while at the same time also being
a vital part of the Church as a whole. Temple: those of Bombay, and their priests. Please pray for household salvation
for Parsee industrialists Tata, Minwalla, and Godrej.
Day 22 - Pray that the spirit behind intellectualism would
be broken and its strongholds torn down. That the Spirit of God would speak to the human spirit in the Parsee and
bring balance, faith, truth, and clarity in hearing the voice of God. Temples: those of Iran and Afghanistan. Please
pray for household salvation for Parsee leaders in North America especially prominent leaders Mr. Hosi Mehta, Mr. Kayomerz
Mehta, and Ms. Dolly Dastoor.
Day 23 - Pray that new inroads, opportunities, and Divine appointments would
be created to reach those Parsee who have not heard and understood the truth of the gospel. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian
"World Supreme" Temple, "Iranshah," at Udwada; Priests: Dr. Hormuzdiyar Kaiyoji Mirza, Kekobad Firozjee Pray for Jesus'
reign in the hearts of everyone in Udwada, a city with no Christians.
Day 24 - Pray for the Parsee leaders that
they would come to know Yeshua and pray that Pakistan, India, and Iran would be won for Yeshua. Pray that the Parsee
would continue to prosper, and in turn, prosper the kingdom of God. Temple: those of Karachi. Please pray for the household
salvation of priestly families Dastoor, Panthaky, Mobed, and Mama..
Day 25 - Pray that the fear of God would come
upon the Parsee and that this would motivate them to seek out salvation, and then they would have an assurance of
salvation that gives them the peace of God. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple in Yezd (Iran); Priests: Gostad Belivani,
Hormazdiar Farkhondeh.
Day 26 - Pray that the Zoroastrian priests' councils would be dismantled and that all of
its leaders and members would come to know Yeshua. That they would not only come to know Him, but that they would make
public proclamations that Yeshua is God Almighty, and then that they would publicly renounce all ties to Zoroastrianism.
Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temples in Navsari (India) and Burns Road (Karachi, Pakistan). Pray especially for
the salvation of families of saved Parsee believers of Jesus.
Day 27 - Pray that intercessors will go to Parsee
pagan temples and walk around them praying for Christ's rule to come there. Praying like the Hebrews did around Jericho,
believing that the spiritual walls will come down, that the enemy will be scattered, and that the Parsee souls will be
taken back for Yeshua. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple, "Dadyseth," in Bombay, and its priests. Pray for Jesus'
reign over the Parsee Towers of Silence, the place where the Parsees dispose of their deceased.
Day 28 - Pray
that the families of believing Parsees will be protected, that their possessions will be guarded, and that there will
be no spiritual backlash from the enemy at anytime. Pray that Parsee believers support Baruch Ha Shem Gospel ministry
to the Parsees. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Wadia" in Bombay, and its priests. Pray especially for household
salvation of Parsee industrialists Wadia, Cama, Avari, and Mehta.
Day 29 - Pray that new allegiances will be made
between the Parsees and the larger Christian church. That these allegiances would be with Holy Spirit filled God-chasing
Christians, and that they would be models of true Christianity, laying down their lives for their brothers. Temple:
Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Banajee," in Bombay, and its priests. Pray especially for household salvation of the temple's
priests. Pray God raise up indigenous and Christ-centered Parsee churches with Parsee Elders and Teachers, in the
Parsee cultural context.
Day 30 - At the leading of the Holy Spirit, pray for an individual Parsee leader,
whether they are in the government, in business, church, schools or wherever the Holy Spirit leads. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian
High Temple "Anjumanna" in Bombay; Priest: Dr. Kaikhushroo Jamaspa. Pray God stir Believers to fast at least once
a week, and pray diligently through this Prayer Calendar.
Day 31 - Pray that Bibles, study guides, videos, and
music that glorifies Yeshua would flood the homes and hearts of Parsee people. That everywhere they go they would
meet true Christians who have a love for the Parsee people and a knowledge of their culture and an understanding of
God's purpose for them. "Temple": Parsee Zoroastrian seminary "Athornan" in Bombay; "Priest": Head Professor Dr. Ramiyar
Karanjia. Pray especially for the hearts of trainee-priests to turn to Yeshua, away from all pagan worship. Some of
the trainees are youth. Pray also for household salvation for the seminary and temple students, faculty, trustees,
patrons, and supporters. Lead churches to pray for Jesus to be glorified in this Zoroastrian seminary as well as in its
teachers, students and graduates.
Day 32 - Pray that the Parsee hear the teachings of Yeshua and receive a revelation
of His Godhood. A revelation that He is The Truth and therefore He cannot lie. A revelation to the fact that because He
claims to be The Truth, and Himself God Almighty, He must be who He claims to be or else He is a liar. Therefore,
He cannot be just another teacher, He must be either God or a liar, and so, if He is God then all other teachings,
all other gods must be, by necessity, false. "Temple": Parsee Zoroastrian seminary "Cama" in Bombay; "Priest": Head Professor
Kersi Karanjia. Pray especially for the hearts of trainee-priests to turn to Yeshua, away from all pagan worship.
Some of the trainees are youth. Pray also for household salvation for the seminary and temple students, faculty, trustees,
patrons, and supporters.
Day 33 - divine health, divine protection, and divine wisdom in the Christian churches
and homes. Pray that they [Christian Parsees] would find favor wherever they go, at work, in travel, with the authorities,
and with each other. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Behrana," in Karachi; Priest: Mr. Godrej Sidhwa. Pray
for God to begin Bible courses in Parsee schools BVS and Mama Parsee schools.
Day 34 - Pray for broken relationships
within families of those who have become Christians and those who are challenging cultural beliefs. Pray that Christ's
Divine love would override in all familial relationships. That the hearts of the fathers would be turned to their children
and the hearts of the children would be turned to their fathers. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian High Temple "Burns Road,"
in Karachi, and its priests. Please pray especially for household salvation for Dr. Kersho, Mr. Byram Avari, and Mrs.
Day 35 - Pray for the protection, provision, and the power of God to be manifest in the ministries that
are devoted to reaching the Parsee People. Pray specifically for the Baruch Ha Shem Gospel ministry to hear and do
what the Lord has assigned it to do. Pray that the leaders will receive the wisdom of God and the workers to do all that
is set before it. Pray that God would confirm Baruch Ha Shem leaders as His servants, and contend with those who contend
with them.
Day 36 - Pray that Christians all around the world will commit to praying and fasting for the Parsee
People on a regular basis. That the Church would turn its eyes to the Parsee People and lift them up before the Lord
day and night. That Christian leaders, educators and networkers will diligently recruit workers for Baruch Ha Shem Gospel
Ministry to send to Parsees of the 10/40 Window. That Christian leaders, educators and networkers will diligently
promote fasting and prayer from this Prayer Calendar for the Parsee people.
Day 37 - Pray that the schemes of
the enemy will be seen and cut off before he attacks. Pray that confusion will be sent into his camp. Temple: Parsee
Zoroastrian High Temple "Behrana," in Karachi, and its priests. Parsee lady, Kaity, who is an international leader for
Transcendental Meditation. Pray for the salvation of the Transcendental Meditation founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Day 38 - Pray that there will be long term relationships, mentoring, and mutual exchange between the Parsee believer
and other Christian leaders, ministers, politicians, and businessmen. Temple: Parsee Zoroastrian "World Supreme" Temple
"Iranshah" at Udwada, and its priests. Pray especially for household salvation for Parsee leader and educator Nargis.
Day 39 - Pray that the technology, workers, and provision be released to reach the Parsees of the 10/40 Window.
"Temple": Parsee Zoroastrian seminaries "Athornan" and "Cama" in Bombay; "Priests": Head Professors Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia
and Kersi Karanjia. Pray especially for the hearts of trainee-priests to turn to Yeshua, away from all pagan worship.
Some of the trainees are youth. Pray also for household salvation for the seminary and temple students, faculty, trustees,
patrons, and supporters. Pray especially for the teachers, trainee-priests and graduates to turn to Yeshua, away from
all pagan worship.
Day 40 - Pray that what Yeshua has imparted into His people during this prayer and fast would
be guarded in their hearts and hidden from the enemy. Pray that a deeper revelation of Yeshua would be experienced by
all who took part in the fast and prayer, and all those who were the focus of prayer. Please pray that God would call
and empower Christians to fast consistently, and pray daily for Parsee souls and for Baruch Ha Shem Gospel ministry.
Please, please, pray that God would lead Christian Colleges to SEND out godly missionaries to our Parsee people,
especially to Parsee schools to serve as teachers and sports coaches, to Parsee hospitals to serve as health care
workers, and to Parsee businesses to serve as employees. Cause Parsee schools and businesses to seek out and welcome godly
born-again Christians to work for them long-term as staff members.
Please fast and pray for the Lord of the Harvest
to thrust forth Christlike and life-long missionaries into the Parsee People!